What's this site about anyways?
First, I'm glad you landed here...hello and welcome! Second, I'll tell you a little about this website for your benefit! This website is all about the farm that I live on, who the critters are that live here and some of the pros and cons of having them here! Our farm currently consists of 4 horses, 1 dog, 4 cats, and 7 children! Please feel free to look around and enjoy! |
News Flash!
May 24th, 2005 Yes, it's already May of 2005! Wow! It's been more than a year since I updated this website! To make a long story short, May 25th, 2004 Smokey was taken back and was traded for a wonderful Morgan gelding named Chester! We have had him ever since, and have been very happy with him! He is not trained to ride, but I have ridden him several times and he has handled it just fine! I hope to get some more miles on him this summer!
A cool shot of our Maple tree, tractor, and newly cleared land!
millions in stock
Cost: Believe in Jesus
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